Descanso Gardens Blossoms with Holiday Light

Now through January 5th, catch a glimpse of the illuminated trees, gorgeous stained glass houses, and waves of color shifting tulips that make up Enchanted Forest of Light at Descanso Gardens in Pasadena.

This fairytale of a holiday light show uses elements of the gardens as part of its tableau. The singing tulip fields are first on view, charming as music shifts and colors change in waves; they are a returning favorite.

We pass through a tunnel of stars followed by a series of beautifully patterned lanterns colored in fushias and gold. Created by HYBYCOZO, these are delicate and astonishing, seemingly as ephemeral as the delicate woven shadows they cast.

Visitors move into a section of tall, coast live oak trees with musical steps around them – tap your feet to summon a bell-like sound.

Afterwards, illuminated “park benches” provide a rest and the chance to take in an entire field of stained glass houses created by artist Tom Fruin. Some are large enough to enter; some are themed with illuminated playing card patterns, four leaf clovers and the like, while others present orderly geometric patterns, or collage like colors. One floats like a lilypad of light on a small lake.

A field of golden light filaments wavers near by; wire fencing holding swirly abstract flourescent tubing rise adjacent to real, headily scented roses. Fountains glow; a large full faux moon rises above and reflects in a royal blue-lit pond and waterfall. In the Japanese garden, red lanterns cast a seductive glow.

Finally, there’s a wonderful and hushed magical forest, with soft sound effects played live and echoing through speakers in the woods. Here, fairy-like sparks flick between the higher branches, a chandelier is suspended from a towering limb; and in the “sacred sanctuary,” the final stop on the walk, the scents of fecund forest and recent rain petrichor add to the magic.

Carolers, classical quartets, and solo cello players appear at intervals create additonal aural pleasures. Guests can purchase hot chocolate, coffee, or tea or headier adult fare along with sweet treats and snacks in several different food areas.

Advance ticket purchase is required.  Discounted admission of $10–$22 tickets on Dec. 2–3 and Dec. 9–10;  other dates, adult ticket prices range from $15–38 (members) to $22–45 (non-members) with children’s tickets (2-12) priced at $10–23 (members)
$17–30 (non-members); prices vary by date. The exhibition is held from 5:30-10 p.m. nightly,  closed Nov. 28 and Dec. 24–25.

  • Genie Davis; photos by Genie Davis