Art for a Worthy Cause: Blank Canvas – Benefitting the United Cerebral Palsy Art Gallery and Studio Art Program

When artist, curator, and Shoebox PR owner Kristine Schomaker was invited to curate a wall at the Blank Canvas Benefit for United Cerebal Palsy Los Angeles, she invited fifty of her artist friends to help.

Opening last Saturday at the Washington Reid Gallery in Culver City, and running through December 21st, the 100% benefit show includes the fruit of her, and her friends’ labors.
Kristine Schomaker with her own contribution
Kristine Schomaker with her own contribution
Her wall features fifty very different artworks, each 12 x 12 inch pieces. So many artists, so much overwhelming talent, and all for sale at a won’t-break-the-bank $150.00.
Some of stellar artists responsible for the Shoebox PR wall at Washington Reid's Blank Canvas benefit
Some of stellar artists responsible for the Shoebox PR wall at Washington Reid’s Blank Canvas benefit – Photo: Jack Burke
Erika Lizee’s stunning floral, Susan Amorde’s glittery dripping faucet, moving figures by Malka Nedivi, Jodi Bonassi, Bibi Davidson, and so many more displayed their superlative squares. Over half of these vibrant artworks have sold – which leaves some still left for art lovers who also warm to a charitable cause.
Erika Lizee
Erika Lizee
Elsewhere in the gallery, Devon Tsuno, curator of artist-run Concrete Walls, brought the same artist-centered aesthetic to Washington Reid and his curated wall. Featuring 25 young artists including student artists from California State Dominguez Hills, Tsuno named his wall after his artist-run-curatorial project. Tsuno was responsible for inviting guest curators to create individual gallery walls like Schomaker’s. Each guest curator had full license to invite and select their own artists in order to create their “dream wall.”
UCPLA WRG, located in the Culver City Arts District, is an Art Gallery/Studio Art Program which functions within an Adult Day Program for the Cerebral Palsy community.  The Art Program and Gallery supports professional artist development and mentorship in digital media, studio practice, gallery operations and curatorial studies.
The benefit show Blank Canvas is an annual affair that raises funds for this program, with all proceeds going directly into the program itself, providing art programs, physical therapy, innovative technology and exhibition opportunity for persons with Cerebral Palsy.
So as we approach the season of giving – and the season in which we share gifts – why not do both? Stop by Washington Reid Gallery, enjoy the art, and buy what has not already been tagged “sold.” Blank Canvas makes it easy to put a stop to blank walls – all for a good cause.
The gallery is located at 6110 Washington in Culver City.
– Genie Davis, ALL PHOTOS: Jack Burke

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