“I call my crazy face my Semitic super hero,” gallery owner Daniel Rolnik says, of his self-created signage.

Rolnik is back. After moving from a previous space just across the street from Santa Monica pier, Rolnik has found a new home at 2675 S. La Cienega in Culver City. Located near galleries such as Blum & Poe, Rolnik offers a fresh and fun-loving approach to art that is also ultimately affordable.
“We are the only gallery in the Culver City arts district where you can just go in and buy some art and walk out again casually. I wanted this place to be a roadside attraction,” Rolnik asserts.
He also describes his bright and cheerful place as part of an “epic war against white walls.”

Opening the new space are shows by Kat Philbin and Listen04. U.K. artist Listen04’s “Child’s Play,” below, is a colorful, nihilistic, and subversive riff on cartoon characters.
Sharply satiric sculptural pieces from Listen04 are also on hand.
Above, not your ordinary toy soldiers form “The New Terracotta Army” from Listen04.
Philbin’s “Codswallop,” below, creates illustrations for “a book that doesn’t exist,” according to the Missouri-born artist.
“The story is of a girl who falls in a puddle and is transported to a wonderland under water. It’s drawn in ink and watercolors.”
Philbin says she wanted to take her art in a lighter, brighter direction, and her carefully rendered, whimsical pieces offer a wry twist on fairy-tale fare.
Also on display: cool and inexpensive ways to add to your art collection from Turtle Wayne, Tripper Dungan,