Elizabeth Tinglof at Shoebox Projects: Spiritual, Dazzling Illusions



The exhibition title is Won’t Pray, but the exhibition itself is incredibly spiritual. Transforming Shoebox Projects into a kind of meditative, spiritual consciousness during her December residency, LA-based artist and curator Elizabeth Tingloff created a dream-like space of highly tactile materials.


Abstract objects are strongly textured and yet ethereal; representations of some existence beyond our own, both alien yet highly recognizable. The well-curated exhibition gave the viewer something to look at in every corner of the Shoebox space. An upside down tree is tied to the ceiling with coiled wire as subtle and silvery as snakes. Below the branches – or roots, your choice – the tree is reflected in a kind of upside down world of mirrored puzzle pieces. It is real, but it is illusory. Like life itself.


Ting 1

Coiled wires also emerge from single pieces suspended on the wall, black against gold, like a dazzling treasure framed by circles of darkness. It looks transcendent, yet trapped.  Several pieces in this material configuration, but in a variety of shapes and textures, are included in the exhibition.



Others wires spin like vines, dangling above, within, and below silvery teale-blue rectangles hung from a hook as if they were slabs of meat. They dangle above the illusion of a precipice created by a smaller grid of mirrored squares. And yet others spill from a second wall piece that is emerald green, crumpled fabric caught within another black frame.





There are elements of sci-fi, of futuristic worship, of a world gone inside out; and the sense of entering another realm, a kind of subverted fairy tale.


A pod-like shape, gold crusted, partially opened, stands at the front of the room. What emerged from this cocoon? A birth? Vestigages of faith? A reason to dismiss all hope and prayers?


An old-fashioned kneeler, the kind lapsed Catholics grew up up on while gazing into the faces of implaccable saints, stands in one corner, its kneepad a goregous series of painful metallic circles.


Each of the works here could be unpacked by individual elements; layers of meaning like a face behind a veil behind another veil are barely glimpsed at first look, yet the overall effect of the work, even without searching deeper, is mesmerizing. Many pieces have a jeweled quality, mirrors, gold, metallic bits, the silver and black wires.


Tinglof’s work reaches into and flips around the ideas of accepted truth and self-examination. What are we praying for, if we do pray? What is the reason for our prayers or our agnosticism? What is going on in our world? What is our world? All of these questions – and doubtlessly many more – emanate like beams of light from within a mix of painting and sculpture.

In both the positioning of the art around the gallery, and the way in which each piece seems to dialog with another – gold to emerald, blue to silver – there is a passionate exhortation of color and form, something vigorous and questioning everywhere a viewer looks.

This is not a first such exploration for the artist. The found of Joshua Tree-based Rough Play Projects and co-founder of LA’s Rough Play Collective, her work has long focused on on delving beneath surfaces and into the nooks and crannies of beliefs. Tinglof has also worked as a photo journalist and video documentarian; her insight into the precariousness of our world and our belief systems seem grounded in fact.

The exhibition overall was as if one stepped through a looking glass – and looked long and hard inside oneself. And from there, found the visceral images from Won’t Pray suggesting we examine the “why” in our lives and the world at large.

  • Genie Davis; photos courtesy of Shoebox Projects. 


Burning Down the House: Zachary Aronson Pyrographic Artist



Zachary Aronson’s new solo art exhibition, Rhythm is on exhibit at Rhythm Visuals gallery in DTLA. Opened last Saturday, the show runs until February 17th.

Aronson is an open-flame pyographer, using blowtorches to “paint” the way others use brushes. His beautifully detailed burns are designed to explore the relationship between man and nature. They’re burnished and glowing, as if the fire had crept its light into the wood itself.

Rhythm 4

If you haven’t seen Aronson work, he’s compelling: his beautiful art is part of an immersive experience, a shaping of life from fire.


Rhythm 3

His faces, portraits, and eyes are all dramatic and magical; fairytales of a sort, written into wood.

Rhythm 2

Aronson’s faces are larger than life, exposing vulnerability and wisdom; timeless and mysterious when burned into wood. The use of fire – a destructive element – to create a graceful, flowing image is deeply compelling.  The artist looks at his work as collaborative: a partnership with him and with nature; creating new purpose and transformation to the material he works with.
zach Rhythm 1

The Los Angeles-based artist is curating additional events throughout the run of the show to highlight and expand viewers experience at the gallery; so if you missed the opening, there’s plenty more to see and enjoy.

Z 2

Coming up this Saturday, the 9th, there’s a program of meditation, breathework, light movement and sound healing from 6 to 11 p.m.;  2/15 from 7 to 11 p.m., Aronson presents Heart(Beats), a night of music featuring performances from 5 eclectic singer-songwriters. And more music will be on hand at the afternoon closing event the afternoon of the 17th.

Rhythm Visuals is located in the heart of Downtown Los Angeles, near Staples Center, at 1040 S. Olive St. Los Angeles, CA 90015.

  • Genie Davis; photos provided by the artist

Identity, Burden, and Choice: The Daunting Transitions of Kathryn Hart

Gallery View 4

Daunting Transitions

Kathryn Hart’s Daunting Transitions takes on a series of daunting topics with grace and a haunting resonance. Looking at identity, burden, and at the fear of and burden and responsibility of choice, the work is all about change in one form or another.  It is about gestation, and the poetry of life itself.

Hart’s work is often delicate here, lines and wires and bones and strands that remind the viewer of spider webs, of neurons and veins, of barbed wire, and the paths of stars.

Mysterious and magical, she explores a veritable cosmos of choice and interconnected moments; her works are sculptural weavings, metal curls and lines, fabric and fiber.

“Changing, morphing, redefining is part of being human,” Hart asserts. “The extent of my joy depends upon how much pain I’m willing to take.  I do not live life in the middle. These artworks are about moving forward.  I was a pioneer moving into new territory for me.”

Gallery View 1

The solo show was shown at Kotlownia Galeria, Politechnika Krakowska, Krakow, Poland from September 17- October 17, 2018.  Organized and curated by Dr. Krystyna Malinowska and Basha Maryanska (awarded the Golden Owl for Visual Art in 2018),  the photos here offer a look at this absorbing body of work; work both contemplative and insightful.

The show was an outgrowth of what Hart describes as “An onslaught of happenings” that altered her life as she knew it at the time.  “My husband’s cancer, the deaths of both of my parents, and my own struggle with an ongoing disease and trauma… I was completely derailed, turned inside out. The underpinnings of my identity were shaken. In the aftermath of such continued upheaval, what comes next?” she asks.

For Hart, what came was a search for personal truth, love, connections, and growth. “I wanted to feel comfortable in my own skin again,” she attests. 

Gallery View 2

Finding the core of her identity when the certainty in her life had slipped away on many fronts, resulted in the show’s creation. It presents a tension, both in terms of its materials and its art, a searching, which the artist describes as a verb, an action, and infinite. “Decision and choice are nouns, finite. The first is open-ended and reveals opportunities; the latter is a responsibility and creates boundaries.”

Women’s roles and a feminist aesthetic are a part of the exhibition as well. “I continued my dialogue on the multitude of roles females play and are expected to play.  We caretake, build and sustain a home life, clean up the mess of others  – emotional and physical; we engineer our lives to dovetail with our loved ones, and explore and create vast opportunities for ourselves,” Hart explains.  

Ink Drawing Grid_29 ink drawings on either handmade paper or toned paper_36x92 inches

Thematically, her work was expressed through site-specific installations, ink drawings, wire sculptures, paper wall sculptures, mixed media paintings, and small assemblage sculptures, each unique. There were 78 artworks exhibited in all, created over a period of 4 years. All are abstract in nature, utilizing line, space, gesture, and the shadows they create as another element of form as well. 

“I examine the dichotomies of movement and stillness, contemplation and decision, space and line, and search and decision,” she says.

The muted grey, white, black, beige, and metallic color palette in each of her works here allows viewers to contemplate each image as a piece of the whole; its subdued quality belies its graceful, evocative, even ghostly shapes.

In past works, Hart has created denser surfaces, involving multiple layers, mixed media and burlap, glass objects, and found bone.

Aspire and Toil_1 charcoal rubbing, double sided_72x36 inches


Here, as with all her work, form follows content, she says. “These materials are airy, ethereal, and light…ripe for movement and growth.  There is ‘entity’ energy in both the 3D and 2D works. The work is organic and intended to connote the inner energy of an organism expanding and moving from internal forces, like an amoeba which can alter its shape and propel itself forward by extending and retracting pseudopods, or ‘false feet.’” 

Indeed, the light in which the works are exhibited forms an additional dimension to each piece. “The wire sculptures and their connecting shadows are the most direct and simple example. Found bones, usually deer, are incorporated into most of my work. In the wire sculptures, I only used rib bones. Ribs protect the heart and are elegant, graceful lines full of energy. Their shadows sweep along the wall almost of their own accord.”

As Hart recognizes, the shadows “continue to creep and move without the viewer present.” They add an element of something alive and shifting to the line and wire sculptures; and she postulates that the pieces may also add another dimension to her work. 

The sense that these works represent something universal, the human body, space and time, is hardly random. Her work here follows an artistic language that Hart calls “influenced by my doctor/scientific family whether I want it to be or not. I learned suture knots from my plastic-surgeon-father. His knots would both join and conceal. I use this language in my work as knots can be entanglements, junctures, bindings, obstacles, hurdles, gates, coupling and memories.  Some knots hold strong  – heal – while others can slide -conceal and yield.

“Making the installation of primarily lines and knots is a bit like making lace. Each individual part is necessary or it all can fall apart. It is both delicate and strong.  It is the sum of its parts, yet each line and knot are deliberately placed. Making it is a form of meditation. My mother was a microbiologist so my initial knowledge of and interest in microorganisms stem from her.”

She describes the spaces between the lines in the installation as places of rest and contemplation, aperatures, openings, portals. The lines themselves reveal potential paths ahead and scars of the ones just followed.”

“Line represents journey, connections, strength, simplicity, scars, tethers, choice, veins and channels.  Lines are also tangled emotions, truths, a web of stories. Lines tied together both lead towards and away from each other.”

There is nothing static about the work here; light and shadows alter their construct.


Kathryn Hart_Parse; Toss or Place No 2_14x10x8 inches_mixed media, paper, fishing line, wire, cheesecloth and found objects

Her paper sculptures, part of her “Making Space” collection were the first pieces she made. Titled with eliptical phrases such as “Parse;” “Toss or Place #1” or # 2, the works are shaped from crumpled, torn, handmade paper,  twisted and often turned inside out.  The titles refer to decided which memories to keep and which to let to go; the works are as delicate as precious memories, but need to be “set aside to make space for new memories,” Hart relates.

Kathryn Hart_Parse; Toss or Place No 7_15x8x6.5 inches_paper, mixed media, wire, twine and found objects

“They remind me of writing different drafts or poems…the writer with crumpled pieces of paper littered across the floor. Discerning which have nuggets to preserve, and which should be tossed is necessary.”

Cellular Collection 1_Wire Sculptures Detail

Her wire sculptures, the “Cellular Connection” works, represent for Hart a new beginning, starting with the most simple, single celled organisms.  “The shadows they produce are gorgeous, elegant and full of energy.” Hart views these sculptures as “drawings in space,” single-celled beginnings, an exoskeleton; energetic and sweeping shadow is used as form.

“Back and forth I would work on the installation and make the drawings, black and white ink on toned paper.  I think one fed the other. Both of these media are the most complex,” Hart says.

Ink Drawing Grid Closeup_29 ink drawings on either handmade paper or toned paper_36x92 inches

There are 29 black and white ink drawings on toned paper here, meant to be seen both as a whole, and as a complete artwork individually. She compares them to the symbols of the Periodic Table, each with unique properties.  Their creation was time consuming, according to Hart. “Like a watercolor painting, there is no erasing.”

Kathryn Hart_Ink Drawing No 29_12x9 inches ink on toned paper

According to Hart, “Each line is a choice which cannot be undone, yet the drawings must be meditative and freely done, almost without thought or they look stilted and constrained.  Each is lyrical and is intended to be a look inside an entity.”

Gallery View_Aspire and Toil and Side view of Parse, Toss or Place paper wall sculptures

Created specially for this exhibition was “Aspire and Toil.” Consisting of an ephemeral charcoal rubbing, double sided, sumi paper, charcoal and wax, the large scale piece was created on site in Krakow and inspired by the city itself.  

Aspire and Toil Detail_Charcoal rubbing, double sided

“Krakow has never been bombed and exudes history from before the 300s. One side of the rubbing was made from stones of both the oldest gothic and the oldest renaissance church which sit side by side.  This side of the rubbing represents the hopefulness of and in humanity, the aspirations of the individual and hopefulness. The other side of the work, the ‘Toil’ side of the rubbing was made from the stones on the cobblestoned streets…the streets that citizens walked every day while they loved, protected and built their city and a society filled with artistic and scientific endeavors,” Hart states.

Derailed_Side View

 Also site specific, “Derailed,” is created of common place materials such as lines, wires, and embedded glass objects. Hart says it “Hints at the verve of figuration. The form is stretched taut and tattered by competing forces of the desire to move forward vs. indecision and the burden of choice. The entity is distended, pulled and propelled outward yet it is held constrained.”

Gallery View 5

However Hart describes this work, it is deeply compelling, it is string theory and star path, ocean creature and harp strings. There is an electric energy to the piece. “The entity represents me. Indecision holds me static, while responsibilities and the need to move forward pull me in a multitude of directions.”

Kathryn Hart_DERAILED, Installation, 87x104x38 inches_wire, twine, glass objects, handmade paper, wood, metal mesh, mixed media and found objects

That energy is pushed and pulled outward in a 3D configuration that represents growth, movement, and decision.  “There is a hint at a plumb line on each side of the diptych which both lifts up the false floor it has made and is rooted into it.  This ‘floor’ is torn pieces of handmade paper randomly laid on a metal mesh scaffold. The lines/veins coming outward from the installation suspend these floor pieces off of the ground underneath,” Hart points out. The pieces appear to be floating; air movement from viewers passing the work can shift the positions of the papers, causing some to fall to the floor in an unsettling impermanance.”  In this piece, too, shadows form an important role, tremulous veins that carry energy and nutrients.  Hart’s embedded glass lenses and ampoules fracture light and produce internal light within the form.

Altogether riven with light, shadow, line, and space, these Daunting Transitions  are spare in color and background, luminous and gorgeous, filled with emotion and contemplative energy; alive and shifting: their own organisms birthed by Hart.

  • Genie Davis; photos provided by the artist


Artist and Activist Mel Greet and Jeff Vespa’s Photographic Works Put the Spotlight on Gun Control


Sculptural social realist Mel Greet presents a powerful and unique show, The Truth of Consequences, at the Bruce Lurie Gallery, opening February 9th. Green’s three-dimensional work is commanding, as he conceptually reshapes conventional objects to provide meaningful insight into social conditions.


The familiarity of many images allows viewers to find and understand essential issues, while offering sometimes humorous takes on the world around us.

Paired with Greet at the Gallery are works by photographic artist Jeff Vespa, to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the seventeen students murdered at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Feb 14th last year in Parkland, Florida. Vespa offers 16 black and white portraits of the victim’s classmates along with a large screen video installation with testimonials created by Vespa. His work was originally featured in People Magazine and Buzz Feed.Wall Layout

Greet and The Bruce Lurie Gallery are donating part of the proceeds of two of his works “Going Shopping” and “New Math,” to the Brady Campaign. Greet hopes that the exhibition itself will serve as a focal point for politicians to recognize and act on sensible gun legislation.


As to Greet’s work itself, his sculptural pieces utilizes a wide range of mixed media, from copper wire and textured plastic to the actual taxidermied skin of a snake. The artist’s involving textures help to shape his subject matter, and his sometimes whimsical take on modern life reflects the surrealism of Rene Magritte, the artist’s namesake. His goal is to create a connectivity with his viewers to engage them, encourage understanding, commitment, and action. 


“Going Shopping” exposes just how easy buying an automatic weapon is — as easy as going to the grocery store for a carton of milk. If we haven’t recognized the horror of our bullet-riddled shopping sprees before, the artist demands we notice it now. This work uses a classic, discontinued grocery cart model as base, with bronze automatic weapons rise like a bristling bouquet inside the cart basket.


“New Math” features a chalkboard as canvas, with  hash marks that eerily appear to represent attacks from or death by automatic weapon. The weapon itself is suspended in front of the board and hash marks, as if it were the chalk used to write this legacy of violence and destruction.

“Ultimately,” Greet says, “the question we all must ask is, how will we embrace the future collectively and individually?”


Born and raised in Hollywood, Greet’s show biz experience as a child actor and film studio marketing executive informs his work, entraining and educating with visceral, vibrant images.  His media experiences have made him acutely aware of how imagery can impact society and shape communication about issues.

His inclusion of Vespa’s work in his gallery show began with an introduction to Vespa by Ross Misher of the Brady Campaign LA office, he explains.  “We all felt that it should accompany the sculptures, making the evening a much larger conversation, since it’ll be the 1 year anniversary of the Parkland shooting on Feb 14.”

Through Vespa’s contacts, Greet and the gallery enlisted TOMS brand clothing and shows, what he describes as a “giant push towards ending gun violence.” As a partner in the exhibition, TOMS will have iPads available for attendees to sign up to send postcards from TOMS.com as part of their End Gun Violence Together initiative. Each postcard urges merembers of Congress to take immediate action by passing legislation for universal background checks, which over 90% of all Americans support. TOMS is currently driving across the country to deliver 700k-plus postcards to Congress, and collect stories from  and voices of Americans affected by gun violences along the way. The volunteer-led postcard distribution to Representatives in Congress will be made February 12th.
Greet asserts that “What I most want viewers to know about this exhibition, is what the title states: The Truth of Consequences. That there’s a consequence for complacency and I feel compelled to address certain issues: planet exploitation, drought conditions, old age, #me too movement, sensible guns laws, the rat race, an elevated level of hate, wage inequality, truth manipulated.” He notes that all too often “interacting with one another is distant and impersonal and only validated by social media.” He posits that our images of “how we see our own true selves in these times of fractured truths” is important and could be viewed as “half full or half empty.”
The Truth of Consequences opens February 9th, and runs through February 28th.
Lurie Gallery 2736 S. La Cienega Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90034 https://www.luriegallery.com/
Genie Davis; Photos courtesy of artist.