SEiS Gallery Features Innovative Three Artist Show

Heather Lowe, above

Innovative and experiential are a good descriptive match for the visual and mental mind twists of Shape Shift at SEiS Gallery in mid-city.

The exhibition offers work from Heather Lowe, Mike Savage, and Chalavie. Lowe presents a potent mix of geometric loveliness in her acrylic on canvas and bristol works, and takes these shapes into depths that resemble an alternate reality with her lenticulars. Dazzling lenticulars like “Pinna Bouquet,” in lime green and oranges, look terrific before you even notice that they are awash in motion; the painted works, such as the spiral twist of “Seashell,” are equally exciting, here a combination of stereo and single images which form a kind of gymanstic puzzle for the mind.  Lowe is an alchemist of art and the art of science.

Savage, in one instance collaborating with Lowe, also has a variety of geometric images, including a glowing mild steel and automotive paint sculpture “New Order Portland,” an impressively monochrome shape that turns up in one of his painted works, “New Order PNW,” and a variant in “New Order Pico,” both acrylic and gesso on canvas. Of his color-rich works, “LCW Red Blue Yellow Black” appears to be a chair, if a chair vibated with variants of primary shades to the extent that the fabric radiated off the form.

Chalavie has a mix of perfect, beautifully wrought wood work such as “Tool Kit for the End of the World,” and “Totem” as well as intricately detailed images of construction equipment, and in “Stack,” a pile of boards that look as if the painted work could be as dimensional as her sculptures.

Lowe offered a fun, short workshop along with an artist talk on the making of lenticulars, this past weekend (see below); Savage also hosted a special art event. Closing is the 20th so hurry in!

SEiS is located at 1910 6th Ave. in the heart of LA.


  • Genie Davis; photos: Genie Davis

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