Kate Carvellas: Making a Mark on the World

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It’s appropriate that artist Kate Carvellas has a solo show at an Altadena Gallery known as McGinty’s Gallery at the End of the World. After all, Carvellas is intent on making her own marks on this earth – possibly, prolifically, all the way to the end of it.

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“When I began making art in 2004 after a hiatus of many years, it was made purely from either borrowed images or objects. But, slowly, over time, I began to make my own marks on my work.  That ‘marking’ has led to full blown abstract paintings that evolve either purely from my subconscious or using my own photographs as a springboard.  Abstracting reality,” Carvellas explains.

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Her works are dynamic and bold, and she wants to get bolder.

“I would love to create large, mixed media paintings that incorporate abstract painting, collage, assemblage and my photography. I can’t quite see that work in my mind’s eye yet.  But, I believe it is bubbling under the surface waiting to come out. I would also love to create large sculptural assemblages. Right now, the only thing holding me back is space and money,” she laughs.

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Carvellas’ sculptural pieces employ found objects. Her choice in materials is often based upon items that draw her to them. “I am drawn to the rusty and discarded. Old metal and wooden objects speak to me the most. I love uniting disparate objects that are old or used and giving them new life and meaning as part of a larger whole.”

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Whether working with sculpture or on canvas, the artist says her work “almost always comes from my subconscious and is intuitive.  I rarely know the meaning of my work until it is finished.”

When it comes to her assemblages, she notes that her work is like putting a puzzle together. She says it starts with “Looking through my collection of objects and finding ones that speak to me and to each other.” As to her paintings, she asserts they arise from one of two places.  “Either I will suddenly ‘see’ a painting in my mind’s eye and then need to get it onto canvas or I will use one of my photographs as a springboard. But, even then, the painting is intuitive.”

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Carvellas calls her favorite type of project whatever she is currently working on. She’s currently working on about four different series at one time.

“I would get horribly bored if I had to make the same kind of art all in a row, over and over again. The assemblages and paintings seem to satisfy different parts of me. The paintings are so healing. They bring to me to a place emotionally and mentally that I would say is close to bliss. The assemblages are more of a challenge.” 

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Want to see Carvellas mark her spot in the artistic world? Visit The Gallery at the End of the World this weekend, June 3rd & 4th during the Altadena and Pasadena open studios tour from 11 to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

The Gallery at the End of the World is located at 2475 N. Lake Ave. Altadena, CA

Genie Davis; Photos provided by artist