Final Day of Mammoth Lakes Film Festival Programming and Awards Ceremony: A Winner of a Day for a Winning Film Festival



The final day of Mammoth Lakes Film Festival’s 5th year began with another strong set of shorts in Shorts Block 5. Who’s a Good Boy was a surreal take on man-as-dog; Pastel Noir,  below, was inspired by director Beau Bardos listening to a podcast from David Lynch who said “‘One day I was painting and I wanted to make a movie'”


Bardos added “which I really dug, so I made a movie.”  He made it using images of some actors he would dearly love to cast: Bogart and Brando, plus a collage-like pastel take on a noir tale of a kidnapped heroine who stabs her would-be attacker and then hails a ride home. Squirrel was an ironic, delightful, and really rich story about a man whose inappropriate texting-while-driving caused an accident that left a woman a parapleigic — and his apology to her, and her attendance at his birthday party, and the way in which both of their lives was inextricably altered. And it’s funny.


In License and Registration, director Jackson Ezinga, above,  stars as a police impersonator whose first arrest gravely misfires. Shot in Ezinga’s Grand Rapids’ neighborhood, this terrific character study offered drama, pathos, and humor with a strong script and directorial focus.  “I starred in it by default when my lead actor couldn’t make it, and everything was set up already,” he related, acknowleding that writing, starring and directing was “a lot.” Despite that, Ezinga multi-helmed a terrific, engaging piece.


Directors Ryan Betschart and Rachel Nakawatase – Nakawatase also scored – produced A Collection of Attempt in Astral Travel. The abstract work was inspired by the books of parapsychologist D. Scott Rogo and uses colors that are liquid-based through the use of a multi-plane, upshooter camera. The married duo are planning to create a feature doc that includes this type of footage, but the process was paintstaking: it took two years to create the six minute animation.  023 _GRETA-S presents a young actress’ emotionaly devastating and manipulative audition experience; while from Iran, Like a Good Kid rounded out the shorts program with a tense depiction of a nanny tormented by her bratty 5-year-old charge when caught in a theft.


The sharply hilarious and frightening short Hot Dog preceded the screening of narrative feature No Exit. Hot Dog gives us a very bad and ultimately halucinogenic day in the life of a brusque female cop. Director T.J. Yoshizaki, above,  says the idea for the project began when a rather rude female cop blocked in his own car. “Somehow I built a story around it.” The director joked in regard to a question about an extremely well-staged hit and run accident in the film: “Don’t worry, only one actor was killed.”  The smart short made a worthy opening to a fresh, eerie horror-suspense film set and entirely filmed in Kazakhastan, No Exit.


This film was shot by writer/director Sarah L. Wilson who was teaching in Kazakhastan, and who started the project as a committment to the students she taught. A success both in terms of its realization, it’s insight into a location we rarely see, and its terrific use of first-time acting talent, the film works quite well as “just” a good horror film, while also touching on family relationships, life and death, and cultural tropes. “When I was asked to go to Kazakhastan to teach, I went. The country healed me after someone close to me committed suicide,” Wilson explained. “I’d made government commercials there when I was teaching and my students told me they wanted to make a feature film, so I agreed.”


Her lead actor, Bexultan Sydykov, had a nightmare which he shared with Wilson, in which he dreamed he was trapped in his family’s house – this inspired the film.  “They’re a real family, and he’d recently lost his father in real life,” the director relates. “His whole family – two brothers, his mother, were in the film along with him. That’s their real house in the film. We shot for ten days, and we literally stole every location,  including the subway. When the security guards – who take themselves very seriously in Khazakhastan – would ask, I’d say I was just teaching, and they’d let us shoot. ” The project should have a rosy future:  Wilson and her students have a deal to do an eight- part television series based on the film with the Khazakhastan national film studio. “We’re going to pitch it to an American TV company to do a co-production, but I want it to stay in Kazakhastan.”


Two documentary films rounded out the festival: the first,  Jawline, follows the odyssey of wanna-be social media influencer Austyn Tester, a 16-year-old newcomer attempting to become the next big internet crush. Also in the film: the fan girls who support him and so many others; a successful internet talent agent – just 18 himself – and a look at Tester’s family, home life, aspirations, dreams, and the sincerity that ultimately makes succeeding in this Internet world difficult. Of her thoroughly accomplished film with its visceral character arc, director Liza Mandelup says “I wanted to film someone who had a high stakes situation, someone who dropped everything to try something. I was told about Austyn – I was looking for someone like him – and that’s how the film began. Ultimately he didn’t have the superficial qualities to stay in the business, and really this is a commentary on the oversaturated post-social media gold rush. When I first started filming, I thought I was covering a rise-to-fame concept, but this is a more complex story.” The film will have an August theatrical release date as well as a release on Hulu.


Bronwyn Maloney, the graphic artist who created an astonishing opening teaser for the festival featuring archaic images of regional fossils, was thanked by festival director Shira Dubrovner and program director Paul Sbrizzi, above, at the start of the closing film of the festival. Bittersweet to see the festival end, this final day was terrific, including the last screening, a solid telling of the Chelsea Manning story in XY Chelsea. The whistle blower’s story, from its political and social aspects to her own personal odyssy as a trans soldier and prisoner, are expressed well in a film with brooding insights over what it means to be a social activist – and what constitutes activism – in today’s America.


After the last film, guests headed over to the Mammoth Lakes Polo Event Center for a lively awards ceremony and party. The warm, jubilant, and inclusive event echoes the way in which this highly professional yet intimate festival itself is run each year. Awards from both jury and audience were presented, craft cocktails from Devil’s Creek Distillery, Blue Moon brews, Black Box wine, and Bleu Handcrafted foods kept guests sated while prizes were announced.

Awards are listed below.









Jury Award for Best North American Narrative Feature, with a $1,000 cash prize, $10,000 Panavision Camera Rental Grant and $10,000 Light Iron Post Production Package, went to A Great Lamp.


Special Mention went to actor Max Wilde for his performance and animation in A Great Lamp.


Jury Award for Best International Narrative Feature, with a $500 cash prize, went to Cat Sticks.


Special Mention went to No Exit.


Jury Award for Best North American Documentary Feature, with a $1,000 cash prize, went to 17 Blocks.


Jury Award for Best International Documentary Feature, with a $500 cash prize, was won by Clean Hands.


Special Mention went to Juan, above.

Jury Award for Best Narrative Short, with a $500 cash prize and $5,000 VER Rental Grant, went to Molly’s Single.


Special Mention for strong editing, cinematography and acting was given to the terrific Enough Is Enough, above.


Special Mention for choreographed storytelling went to Diva & Astro, the film’s astonishing direction and cinematography (director and cinematographer above) was impressive.


Jury Award for Best Documentary Short, with a $500 cash prize, went to The Clinic.

Jury Award for Best Animation Short, with a $500 cash prize, received by the intensely moving Dani.

Special Jury Award for Bravery, with a $500 cash prize, was received by doc Midnight Family.


Audience Award for Best Narrative Feature, with a $1,000 cash prize and $5,000 Panavision Camera Rental Grant, went to the impressive No Exit, above. 


Audience Award for Best Documentary Feature, with $1,000 cash prize, was awarded to JuanThe award for this true labor of love film was even more important today than at any other time: a premiere in the director’s – and the film’s – country of origin, Venezuela, was cancelled due to current policial/social circumstances there.  It’s a beautiful film, and one that celebrates the heritage of the nation itself, as well as the work of its titular artist and guru, Juan Sanchez.


Paul Rudder, festival sponsor, above with Shira Dubrovner. Rudder said “I want to thank Shira for this festival, and I want to than everyone for coming. We are glad to have you here in Mammoth Lakes. We’re a ski town,  where some people think culture is someone who left a book behind at a McDonald’s.  You, your presence, proves them wrong.”

Jurors included:

North American Narrative Features Jury: Mia Galuppo (The Hollywood Reporter), Sean McDonnell (A24) and Katie Walsh (Tribune News Service, Los Angeles Times)

International Narrative Features Jury: Shalini Doré (Variety) and Max Weinstein (MovieMaker Magazine)

North American Documentary Features Jury: Allison Amon (Bullitt) and Andrew Borden (1091 Media)

International Documentary Features Jury: Gus Krieger (Filmmaker) and Jacques Thelemaque (Filmmakers Alliance)

Shorts Jury: Delila Vallot (Filmmaker) and Harry Vaughn (Sundance Film Festival Programmer)


To sum up the festival: it was terrific; and each of the films we saw are more than worth viewing, supporting, and celebrating. As always:  the Mammoth Lakes Film Festival, program director Paul Sbrizzi, and festival director Shira Dubrovner (below) have created unique programming that’s rewarding to see, and a festival experience that’s a celebration of film, originality of vision, and community spirit. It’s no easy task, but it is an important one.


  • Genie Davis; Photos: Jack Burke 


Saturday Films and Sierra Spirit Award to The Groundlings: Mammoth Lakes Film Festival 2019 Day 4


What’s a Saturday morning without cartoons? As Day 4 of the Mammoth Lakes Film Festival 2019 began — with sun instead of snow showers — a screening of animated kids shorts began the day.


Narrated by the ever-irrepressible Flula Borg, the shorts included the hilariously sardonic Troll Bridge, an Australian short about an old Barbarian named Cohen and his friendly encounter with a troll he was planning to annihilate, and the rather surreal and beautiful Swiss short: Autour de l’Escalier,  depicting a mysterious and fantastical town in which images and events repeat. As it concluded, Borg drew laughs saying “That’s Pittsburgh.”


Borg also offered his take on the Shleep which disappeared as a man drifted off to slumber, quizzically asking “Where did they all go?”


After this delightful start to the morning, festival filmmakers and press attended a panel on distribution and publicity among other topics, featuring Shalinni Dore; Andrew Borden, Katie Walsh, Gus Krieger, Mia Galuppo, and Sean McDonnell.


McDonnell, from releasing and production company A-24 explained the importance of making one’s work known on the festival circuit; Dore discussed the ways in which she can be attracted to providing press coverage for an unknown auteur, among the other topics discussed over mimosas, coffee, and quiche.


Shorts Block 4 included a charming but dark stop-motion animation depicting love, binary code, and a dissolving world in 11010; and the haunting cosmic images of Eyes at the Specter Glass from filmmaker Mathew Wade. Wade notes “This started as a project to see how far I could push my computer’s ability…I just started building these scenes and movements, I then wrote the score that I matched to it without even seeing the visuals again. At first I thought maybe this would just be a gallery piece, but then film festivals gravitated toward it.” Wade’s abstract vision of what appears to the creation of a universe or a space travel dream defies easy categorization; Wade himself replied to a question asking what the short meant, “I make up a different story each time someone asks me that. I don’t want to ruin other people’s take on it.”

Gone is a heart-breaking take on Lysistrata,  a beautiful, funny, sad, and terrible response to women abandoning men and boys for 5 months and counting. We see a men’s support group of one counselor and three men, each with their issues; and we see one woman leaving, making a decision that tears at her heart as well as the viewer’s. A profound film from UK-based director Emma Sullivan.


Lemons, from Simon Werdmuller Von Elgg, was the director’s response to stories he’d listened to about child abuse and sex abuse. The film depicts a man who may or may not be a missionary revisting a childhood nanny who’d abused him. As writer as well as director, Von Elgg notes “When I moved to Nashville, the culture struck me as potentially being ripe for this kind of story about subtext.” He’ll be working with his lead actress and his producer again on future projects, asserting “We’re a team now.” The film has a gothic, tension-filled pace and palette that evokes a sense of dread in the viewer, even before its intent is revealed.


In Diva & Astro, director Angel Barroeta and his astonishingly skilled director of photography have created  a work that “is really different. We wanted to do a piece all in one day. We shot using a telephoto lens from different locations.” Seen from a distance, the piece follows the parallel paths of the two title characters in a riveting street drama whose style as well as virtually silent story is a richly involving 9 minutes.


For director Ariel Gardner,  the funny/sad take on dating culture in Los Angeles, Molly’s Single, became an exercise in practicality. “I shot on mini-DV because I wanted to stand out by making it look as dirty as possible. And I know how to use auto exposure and auto focus, not sure I wanted to learn on an AK rig.” He wrote out beats but allowed the actors to fill in their own dialog as he crafted a semi-autobiographical piece about a bad break up. “It was kind of a cathartic experience which began with me watching Somewhere over the Rainbow in a film clip on my phone.”


The narrative feature A Great Lamp from director Saad Qureshi and his highly collaborative cast including Max Wilde, who also provided scoring and animated elements, was a beautiful black and white piece about three lost souls:  Max, a good-hearted,  cross-dressing street kid posting flyers about his late grandmother throughout the town; Gene, a drop out from the world of insurance processing who is lying to his father about leaving his job; and Howie, who fears a recurring dream and hopes to see a rocket launch through binoculars. Set in the dark and often derelict looking streets of downtown Wilmington, N.C., the lushly filmed, moody piece has an interesting back story. “I was having a very rough time,” Qureshi reports, “so since my friends and I all love each other, we all quit are jobs to make the movie.” Cinematographer Donald Monroe laid out the film and locations daily, cast and crew while minimal, shared fun as well as filming a work which the director calls “really a combination of ideas from three different minds.” Monroe adds “With no crew I knew I had one light and black and white was easier for me to make a cohesive language.” Qureshi sums up the experience “It was the best moment of my life to see my friends together. Life can be a sad thing, but the best way to survive is to be with your friends.” The film, which premiered at Slamdance this year, will be screening at the Arclight Hollywood July 8th.


An Evening with the Groundlings, the renowned comedy theater troupe and school based in LA, offered a short documentary on the history of the group and its alums; Groundling Cheri Oteri’s hilarious  short Turkey’s Done, and a second viewing of Groundlings’ member Ryan Gaul’s poignant and funny Jack.  Oteri’s short was a straight-up hilarious revenge comedy of a cheated-on Philly wife on Thanksgiving; Gaul’s – discussed at length in yesterday’s review segment – is a sweetly humorous tale of putting a beloved pet to sleep.


What followed was a pure hour of delight, in which festival director Shira Dubrovner presented the group’s managing director, Heather de Michele with the Sierra Spirit Award.


Dubrovner, Sweeney, Sterling, above

Dubrovner conducted an absorbing hour-long panel celebrating Groundlings members “for life” Julia Sweeney, Ryan Gaul, Jordan Black, Mindy Sterling, and Cheri Oteri discussed how many years of Groundlings classes they took; current projects; working in a male-dominated world on Saturday Night Live – where many Groundlings alums found new homes; and the differences between the Groundlings rigorous Sunday Show, which the “best of the best” participate in following class training, before graduating to the Saturday company.


Oteri, Gaul, Black, above.

As Gaul says “We are like a weird gang. We’re addicted to improv, we love it.” Sterling seconded that assessment. “You do it for the love of it.”


The group discussed everything from the non-pay of Groundlings actors and their labor-of-love experiences in the theater, to performing on SNL, developing their characters, and more.


A highlight: Black and Gaul performed a short-form improv with an audience member: a father-daughter talk about car ownership, below.


To catch any of these performers live at The Groundlings — still located on Melrose Ave. in West Hollywood after all these years – stop by regularly: almost everyone on stage still drops by to perform. Black runs a regular monthly show called The Black Version, which he described as “long form improv. Audience members suggest a movie, and my cast and I do our ‘black version’ whether it’s the Titanic or whatever is suggested.” Sweeney, who just jubilantly returned to showbiz after a 15-year hiatus raising her daughter, is back doing improv regularly on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Gaul can also be seen performing in The Last OG on TBS weekly.

Full day, fun night – and more tomorrow.

  • Genie Davis; photos: Jack Burke


First Full Day of Film Programming at Mammoth Lakes Film Fest 2019


The first full day of film programming at the 2019 iteration of the Mammoth Lakes Film Festival kicked off with two strong shorts programs, included a brilliant documentary, and moved on to coming of age film that accented feminism and fantastical situations.


In the Mojave to Mammoth shorts block, each film was entirely original and dynamic. Among the standouts: Remission, gave a mix of abstract animated images and profoundly moving live action sequences filmed in the desert and mountains. Visually astonishing, creator and artist Paul Kaiser was working to create a personal experience that was relatable to any audience, based on the fact that he served as Special Ops during the Iraq war, was kidnapped, and escaped, and the adjustment traumas he went through on his return. Director John Charter said that “One of the driving forces was that Paul lost contact with his children. We chose different creatures and locations for the film to express a tone of longing and loneliness, and express his dedication at an cost.” Kaiser described using Jungian images to express “my experience in a way that trasnferred my story.” A fine artist by profession, Kaiser paired with Charter make an awe inspiring team in a dazzling tour de force. The film is party of a trilogy, Kaiser says. “We are completely a three part series of shorts dealing beyond the typical tropes.” The second in the series will deal with mental illness, PTSD, and suicide.


With Follow, director Byron Stankus and his half brother, writer Gregor Patsch, along with lead actress Alison Blaize, created a taut suspense thriller about an ominous stalker following a woman on a solo trek along a Sierra Nevada trail. Stankus, who appeared with his lead, related that “We used a DSLR and four lenses in a two day shoot because the first day got rained out. Most scenes were shot in one take.”


It also serves as a cautionary tale about what one posts to social media.


Miracle Desert was a perfectly crafted prize, directed and written by Mark Hosack, the short depicted a supernaturally ominous El Diabolo and a dangerous sheriff both after two buried-in-the-sand hapless semi-criminals.  Hosack first wrote the short as the concluding scene for a feature project 14 years ago. “We almost had the feature up and going, but it fell apart, I had three babies, and then a friend of mine, who produced this film said, let’s do it.” They flew the accomplished actors into Las Vegas but were short on cash. “My friend had $1000 and we pushed it up to $4000 in black jack, but then lost. On our way back, we did it again, and this time we won $8000 and were able to complete the film. Proving it’s easier to get funding in Las Vegas than in Hollywood.” Despite enduring a sandstorm and two and a half days of shooting in a dry lake bed in high heat, the short turned out letter-perfect; Hosack is currently in pre-production on the feature version of the film, and looking for additional completion funds – in our opinion, it will be a worthy investment.

Also in the Mojave to Mammoth line up: Sound of Silence is a doc short about a severely deaf young man overcoming obstacles to become a downhill skier of great skill; Climb-It Change, also a doc, discusses researchers and rock climbers investigating the impact of climate change,; and the emotionally powerful Red and White doc includes astonishing and terrifying first person footage of an actual avalanche in Iran.


In Shorts Block One, Tunnel Ball offered a hilarious tgake by Australian director Davis Jensen about a new school in which everyone but him is an identical person named Brett. “It was based,” Jensen asserts, “on a toxic environment in a private school experience.” He’s currently writing a school-based murder mystery; this was his grad school film.


“Get Up Pierrot,” an animated short from Gurleen Rai and F Anthony Shepherd features an archetypal sad clown. Rai says “It was all intuitive work. Every work we put out a new short episode on Instagram about this character, then base our next episode on audience response.” Shepherd adds “It’s about rejection, and includes Commedia Dell’arte even in the naming of his character.” The images are drawn by Rai on printed paper and scanned into photo shop, Shepherd adds music and shaping.


Enough is Enough is an intense, brilliantly executed dramatic standout from director/writer Jess Kellner. New Jersey-based, Kellner shot on location in the state. “I consider myself a funny guy, but my favorite movies are dramas such as There Will Be Blood. All are very visual and so was this film, which I approached with minimal dialog.” Kellner also cast himself in the film. “My brother DP’d the project, and having him aboard was really helpful. It was a real team effort. My lead actress I cast from seeing her in a play after reaching out for recommendations from theatrical directors and filmmakers.” He shot on an ARI Alexa, on a very low budget, but the short looks like it cost a great deal more to produce. The story of a a woman forced to question her fidelity to a chronically sick husband was compelling and intense; it’s pitch perfect, and left the audience wanting far more.


Nobody Likes You as Much as I Do features the dry with of Jerzy Rose, directing and writing a piece that pushes relationship issues to the fore in the story of a pair of American academics who met up with a former student and worry about her welfare following a drunken night on the town in Paris.


Other films include the surreal One about the deadly dreams of three Iranian boys, which included vivid animated images with live action; and Liberty, from director Faren Humes, an intimate look about the upheaval brought about when redevelopment occurs in the oldest public housing space in Miami.  “That spurred ideas of grief and loss and long standing bonds torn apart. i was trying to materialize that feeling,” Humes says.

Cold Case: Hammarskjold is a riveting documentary from director/writer Mads Brugger intent on solving the mysterious death of U.N. leader Dag Hammarskjold. The case leads him into uncharted territory, uncovering a hidden South African-based organization also responsible for spreading the AIDS epidemic. Fascinating, conspiratorial, funny, and frightening, Brugger’s work here echoes his satirical docu-series and past feature docs which won awards at Sundance in 2010 and 2012. The compelling and terrifying film – while also managing to be amusing – is already scheduled for release through Magnolia pictures.


In competition here at Mammoth Lakes was Knives and Skin, a highly feminist high school coming-of-age story that also involves the horrifying inciting incident of a teen girl’s death,  a passionate young lesbian relationship, and the trauma-induced coping-mechanisms of three hardly-stellar mother figures. Edged in fantasy, vividly costumed and colored, the slightly surreal narrative feature includes brilliant use of acapella 80s and 90s pop hits. Director Jennifer Reeder’s visual palette and exceptional cast wowed, even if the story-line occasionally strained. Undoubtedly, the film will make a cinematic mark.


Actress Marika Englehardt appeared for a q and a with fest programming director Paul Sbrizzi. “Shooting the film was magical and bizarre. Here we were, out in the sticks of Illinois, and there was pink and glitter everywhere.” Citing the director’s “strong vision,” she noted that the film is currently a hit on the festival circuit, and will be soon headed for Toronto. “It had a mystical scale and time line,” she notes. Englehardt herself is currently at work on the Netflix series Easy.


Rounding out a full festival day: a late night happy hour at Mammoth’s craft brew emporium The Public House, where the beers were diverse and the soft pretzel and honey-mustard as tasty as the conversation with filmmakers.




Above, Mammoth Lakes Film Festival director Shira Dubrovner with filmmaker Mark Hosack of Miracle Dreams.

Looking for something extraordinary to do this Memorial Weekend? – Mammoth Lakes Film Festival, now its 5th year, should fit the bill.

  • Genie Davis; Photos: Jack Burke