Kristine Schomaker Celebrates 10 Years Supporting Artists at Shoebox Arts

Kristine Schomaker is an artist – and as such she understands personally what an artist needs to establish a successful artistic career. Ten years ago, with that need in mind, she established Shoebox Arts, which serves as a significant support system for artists. Using her own experience, she guides artists through the always evolving art landscape.

Above photo credited to Baha Danesh, Shoebox 1st anniversary

10 years is a significant anniversary, and over the years, Shoebox has evolved with the needs of artists. Schomaker explains “We started out doing PR for exhibitions, then expanded to support artists with resources, tools, education, advice, critique, coaching and mentoring.” She relates that “Whether artists want gallery representation, to sell, to have a solo exhibition in a museum, Shoebox helps artists with the steps they need to take to achieve their goals.”

While the services Shoebox offers have evolved over the years, the basic components have stayed the same, they continue to provide accountability as well as inspiration through one-on-one meetings, group meet-ups both online and in person, art professional introductions and more.  Shoebox also offers a Call for Art subscription, consistent email support, and workshops that cover topics such as  social media and networking.

It’s difficult for Schomaker to name only one artist support success story,  but she can count many over the last decade. “We’ve had artists invited to exhibit at prestigious museums and galleries. We have empowered artists to ask for studio visits and helped them receive press in newspapers and magazines. We have helped artists find their voices within their artwork, supporting them in finding communities where they thrive. We have created leaders, and inspired artists to continue and persevere despite barriers of sex, age, race, and gender.” 

What inspires Schomaker the most is “knowing I am helping to change someone’s life.” She can attest that “Being an artist is not an easy thing. If I can empower someone to follow their path, find their voice, grow, and thrive, it gives me joy. When I watch an artist create a body of work they love or exhibit their work in their dream space or receive press that was unexpected, I am thrilled. I have always been inspired to follow my dreams, not settle, be authentic, face my fears and persevere. I am happy to share these experiences, so artists know anything is possible.” 

As her second decade begins, Schomaker says that she wants to continue to bring artists together in various ways – from exhibitions to dinner parties, and with community in mind, she plans to offer everything from performances and workshops to artist talks and support groups. The reason? “We lift each other up by supporting each other.” 

She foresees her own continued growth as a facilitator, organizer and all-around cheerleader for artists, creating more collaborative art projects as well as peer mentorships and studio visits. 

The bottom line is this: “I want my artists to know that it doesn’t matter where they are in life, they are creators and can thrive in their practice. All art is important. Whether for personal reasons or political, whether for commercial or experiential, all art is worthy.”  

Shoebox Arts, like the art world itself, continues to evolve, and recently added a new, affordable, online-only membership component. The online membership includes weekly meetings focused on Q&A, coworking sessions, and an art book club. It also includes a monthly online critique group, a speaker series, and access to a private Facebook group.

In addition, Shoebox still offers their more individualized one-on-one mentoring sessions as well as PR services, and when you sign up as a management client, you’ll also receive a solo exhibition in the Shoebox Projects space located at the Brewery in DTLA. 

Starting the new year off right, Schomaker says, “In January, we are offering 3 free workshops: Instagram for artists, networking for the socially anxious, and goal setting. We are also offering a 6-week workshop on how to get your work exhibited.”

Pricing remains reasonable, ranging from free peer mentorship and workshops to $150 an hour for online consultations and $550 a month for the Shoebox management program. A full list of all services and pricing is available on their website, here.  Those who sign up through the end of 2023 will receive a discounted holiday rate. 

  • Genie Davis, photos provided by Shoebox Arts and Baha Danesh