Art Share LA: Spectra


Closing this Sunday, Sept. 4th, hurry over to Art Share LA for Spectra, and add a little color to your life. Mixed media, paintings, drawings, and photography make up this bountifully colorful and exceedingly masterful exhibition.


Featured artists include:

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Chenhung Chen – Here she features works crafted of glittering, amazing silver patterns – using staples. “I make them over a long period of time, initially just playing with the material, with paper and staples, finding the right elements.”

She was originally focused on the center of the paper, but notes “The later pieces, my inspiration was intuitive playing. As in the piece ‘Conversing,’ with two images communicating with each other.”

She describes these works as a flat extension of her multi-dimensional pieces. “All have something to do with line, with the dichotomy of simple but sophisticated work. The texture looks delicate but its strong material, the paper is soft, the staples hard. The works are soft and tough at the same time.”

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Kaori Fukuyama – Fukuyama’s oil on canvas works are vibrating with color. They have a spiritual quality that the artist notes “I don’t put that in my work consciously, but it’s how I feel when I work.”  She was “always interested in color and light, and how they affect our experience and perception of space, depth and volume.”

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Nancy Goodman Lawrence – “I used to do detailed, labor intensive work. I’ve switched gears, I decided wanted to use simple techniques. I just draw – and that morphed into pure acrylic paintings. I’m always pushing the boundaries  – my work is very playful. Here I’m squashing shapes into my frames. I’m serious about my work but exploratory.”


Above, Carl Shubs with his photographic art to the left; to the right, the glittering work of Kelly Brumfield-Woods.


Carl Shubs – As a photographer, his saturated colors are thematically vivid. “My work is diverse subject matter and approach and color. It could be in black and white as well – it’s about the geometry of images. Some are abstractions.” He goes around Los Angeles and photographs “whatever catches my eye, people, places, things, a pattern, something that is interesting or inspiring, the humanity in every day life. I like to shoot the spontaneous moments.” Surreal as some of his work looks, he never uses photoshop, and finds digital, full-frame camera work allows him to be “spontaneous and not afraid of the cost. This medium set me free.”

Also exhibiting:

Jeff Iorillo, Amy Kanka Valadarsky, Tanya Nolan, Melissa Reischman, Kelly Brumfield-Woods, Stephanie Sydney, and The Perez Bros.


Above, The Perez Bros.


Above, Tanya Nolan’s mixed media mirrored sculptural work.


Above: Stephanie Sydney

Art Share is located at 801 E. 4th Place in DTLA.


  • Genie Davis; photos: Jack Burke