4Play: Sex in a Series at Actors Company


Through March 17th at the Actors Company in West Hollywood, the immersive experience of 4Play: Sex in a Series is not to be missed.


This bittersweet comedy/drama traces the relationship ups and downs of three couples: two gay men struggling to say the word “love;” two lesbian women, one of whom has just “discovered” she likes women, and has now fallen in love; and one heterosexual couple – the male half of which is casting and producing and performing a play, whose lines we see rewritten, and whose production performance also in seen. Into this lively mix on stage we have a note-taking assistant director/narrator; a vibrant musical performance, and the arrival of an all-too-knowing kid-sister.


Stage is loosely said: we were excited to see the concept, which premiered on Valentine’s Day, took place on the primarily imagined set, on a series of riders and on the main floor among the audience members. A series of tables and stools are set up in the center of the room, which doubles as bar and disco and restaurant for the performers as well as seating for the audience; other audience seating is set up on benches along one wall. It’s exciting to be so intimately involved in the production – and the characters’ lives. During a climactic dinner party, hors d’oeuvres and drinks were handed to members of the audience.


In short, this is truly theater as experience; but in no way does that experiential nature diminish the sharpness of writing, performance, and direction.

The acting is terrific, featuring Ariana Anderson, Graham Brown, Bevin Bru, Eve Danzeisen, Zoe Simpson Dean, Marian Frizelle, Dustyn Gulledge, Lara Helena, Kailin Large, Zoquera Milburn, Cameron J. Oro, Christi Pedigo, Krisin Racicot, Kelsey Risher, Robert Walters, and Dan Wilson. Presented by the new York theater ensemble trip, the play had hit runs in NYC and in Chicago before coming here. The smart, savvy, funny, and perfectly paced, edgy dialog was written by Graham Brown (who also directs) with Nathan Faudree and Lisa Roth.


Touching, heartfelt, and exuberant, this is the story of love in the city, with sex just the excuse love needs to get under your skin.

4PLAY: SEX IN A SERIES  at The Actor’s Company located at 916 A North Formosa Avenue in Los Angeles; performances run Thursdays and Saturdays. For reservations, call (800) 838-3006 or visit http://www.theactorscompanyla.com/