The Seagull Takes Wing at The Odyssey

The Seagull Takes Wing at The Odyssey by Genie Davis

The Seagull, one of Chekhov’s most popular plays, is here in Los Angeles at The Odyssey Theatre in an extended run through February 23rd. The production is a don’t-miss directed by Chekhov expert and actor Bruce Katzman, author of Secrets of Chekhov, and stars Sasha Alexander of Rizzoli and Isles, NCIS, and Shameless as Arkadina, and James Tupper of Revenge, Big Little Lies, Grey’s Anatomy, Men in Trees,  FBI, and The Irrational, as Trigorin. The exciting production offers a timeless performance about chasing love and mourning its passing.

Stay tuned for a review of this production, but we were delighted to speak with the director and stars. Asked why The Seagull is such a special play, Katzman explained “The play is 126 years old yet it is unbelievably modern. Chekhov had his finger on the pulse of the human heart, and the characters in The Seagull might very well be people you read about in the gossip columns of today in New York or Los Angeles. The lure of celebrity, the dreams of a country girl who wants to be famous, the frustration of a son who can’t compete with his mother’s stardom and can’t find his own artistic path, the futile pursuit of love in all the wrong places! Audiences still laugh and cry with recognition. They see themselves, their neighbors and their family in this play.”

Katzman adds that he wants audiences to know the play and this production are “100% accessible. The name of Chekov, like the name of Shakespeare, sometimes intimidates modern theatre-goers and they’re afraid they won’t understand what’s going on, or that hte language will be difficult, or the story will go over their heads. But in our production you understand everything. And it’s a brisk two hours! We have not cut anything, but it is not a boring and tedious ‘period piece.’ It is fun!” he enthuses.

According to Katzman, he’s experienced “two great pleasures” in directing this production. “First, to assemble a cast of newcomers and oldtimers who have blended themselves into a beautiful ensemble; and having earned the trust of that ensemble, that they would help me realize my vision of the play. The great payoff has been to witness audiences night after night sit in utter silence to see the story unfold. You can hear a pin drop most of the time, except when they are howling with laughter! Perfect Chekhov.”

Lead actress Sasha Alexander says what inspires her most about the production and her role in it is the fact that she has always wanted to be a part of The Seagull. “I loved meeting Bruce and James initially, we got along well and I felt safe to go on this journey with them. I have enjoyed James’ work for years and with Bruce’s Chekhov expertise, I knew they would be the right team to dive into this with. They have assembled a wonderful cast, so many young talents, and Bruce’s interpretation of the play has made it contemporary and accessible to a wide range of audience.”

Co-star James Tupper concurs and adds “I’m inspired by the level of writing. The cast who are each super in their own way — and by the chocolate for sale at the Odyssey concession.  Salted Caramel Chocolate feels a lot like love,” he laughs.

Alexander attests that she loves her role as Arkadina. “She is a complicated woman who swings many ways throughout the play, emotionally. But she is tough and smart and a survivor. I like that. That’s what inspires me the most – the challenge of the role and just getting to perform this classic with so many beautiful artists.”

She finds that Arkadina is a challenging role on many levels. “The narcissism, trauma and performative parts of her character are swinging constantly, making it a truly diffcult experience every time we perform the play. But the relationship she has with her lover, Trigorin, her son, and her brother are complicated and rich. So many things to discover and play with. I love doing it and it is never the same, which is so inspiring and satisfying. It’s been one of the most wonderful acting experiencesof my life.”

Tupper describes his favorite part of the play as “The fight scene Sasha and I have in the middle of the play.  Don’t worry, it’s very funny and I think every married couple might relate. Also it’s fun to pretend to be a very famous person, even if it’s only for two hours, four times a week.”

Director Bruce Katzman’s full cast includes Sasha Alexander, James Tupper, Parker Sack, Cece Kelly, Carlos Carrasco, Carolyn Crotty, Joe Hulser, Will Dixon, Brianna Bryan, Matthew Hartley, Lukas Jann, and Hannah May Howard. The production is co-produced by Katzman, Tupper, and Crotty.

Extended through Feb. 23, the remaining performances are Thursdays Feb. 13; Feb. 20; Fridays Feb. 14; Feb. 21, Saturdays
Feb. 15; Feb. 22, and Sunday afternoons Feb. 16; Feb.23.  Those attending can stay for post-show Talkbacks on February 23rd.
The Odyssey Theatre is located at 2055 S. Sepulveda Blvd. in Los Angeles.

  • Genie Davis; photos provided by the production.

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