Why You Should Go to Vernon, California – DABSMYLA Before and Further



DABSMYLA's Before and Further - All Photos: Jack Burke
DABSMYLA’s Before and Further – All Photos: Jack Burke

Just south east of downtown LA’s arts district lies the industrial enclave of Vernon. A tiny town with political corruption battles, a few fast food eateries, and lots and lots of warehouses and factories. So why do you want to go there?



Photo: You might just be able to own chairs kind of like those – Modernica is producing some limited edition recreations.

For DABSMYLA’s astonishing installation art takeover of a factory workplace at the  Modernica furniture factory.

Blacklight room
Blacklight room

What is DABSMYLA? It’s a who, or rather two who’s, a thoroughly blended duo of married artists. A true creative partnership, the couple has melded not just their names but their artwork, and created among other works this 4,000-square-foot installation that looks like something you might’ve dreamed as a movie set.



And it’s only there until November 15th, so don’t hesitate to grab your significant other, friends, family, and camera to go see it.



Don’t worry about things like parking and admission costs: there’s plenty of the former in a guarded lot adjacent to the structure, and none of the latter: it’s free. Less crowded than the Broad and a super-fresh interpretation of modern art.


“Before and Further” is the title of what could be the home of the Cat in the Hat if he was hip and kind of into the 60s.


Paintings, sculptures, ceramics, and furnishings that include limited-edition fiberglass shell chairs available for purchase through Modernica are all a part of the artists’ collaboration with Modernica.


Inspired by DABSMYLA’s own shared process of creation, Before and Further is a house that has modern asethetics, pop art, giant cat faces, binoculars trained on a tiny elf figure perched on the roof of an opposite structure, a black light room with glowing cartoon faces, a black and white television running video art, a hi-fi portable stereo you can listen to, a secret movable clock and peep hole through which you can view the artists’ workshop.


Look behind the clock and peek inside: we did!
Look behind the clock and peek inside: we did!

The duo call the piece an “adventure in modern living and artistic partnership,” for visitors it’s a wonderful mash-up of the surreal and the real. It’s the Modernist movement, its a gentle promo for original Modernica furniture creations, its a transformation that Alice in Wonderland would appreciate after going through the looking glass.


What would you do if you could completely gut and revitalize a creaky 1930s era Spanish Revival house perched on the lot of a factory where the furniture is made one piece at a time?

Chances are, you might have thought of something like this. If you’re DABSMYLA of course.

If not: visit 2901 Saco Street in Los Angeles Thursday through Sunday from noon til 7 pm UNTIL NOVEMBER 15th.  Yes, it’s lit up at night. No, you can’t live there, no matter how much you want to. Besides, do you really, really want to live in Vernon?


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